Auto Spray Painting: Three Simple Tips for Better Results

Spray painting a vehicle is not difficult. However, painting your auto body and achieving ideal results is challenging. Most people assume that painting the panels of a vehicle involves covering the surfaces with fresh colour. Unfortunately, the process is more complicated. If the surface is not prepared and the coatings are not delivered correctly, the vehicle might look worse than it did before beginning. Here are some practical tips to help you get better results during your auto spray painting project. 

Sand With Patience

Sanding the panels of your vehicle is an essential preparation process for your spray painting work. This procedure is designed to get rid of bumps and scratches which will compromise the appeal of the new coating. You will need a lot of patience to ensure that all the surfaces are sanded and smooth. You should begin the work by removing the old paint and obvious blemishes using rough or low-grit sandpaper.

Then, you should work to eliminate lighter imperfections. This stage should also remove the marks remaining after using the coarse sandpaper. Sanding every surface can be tiring and time-consuming. You can reduce the burden and achieve better results by block sanding. You can acquire a sanding block from your local hardware shop. When sanding for the final time, you should wet sand for optimal smoothness.

Choose Compatible Primer and Paint

You should be cautious when choosing your primer and paint for your auto body project. It is crucial to choose products which are compatible for an ideal paint job. If you choose an unsuitable primer, your fresh layer of spray paint might not stick. In addition, the effect caused by the interaction between incompatible products can force you to begin the work again. Where possible, you should choose products from the same brand and series.

Avoid Using Thick Coats

You should avoid using heavy coats of spray paint on your auto body. Thick coats of paint will allow you to finish your project faster. However, the final appearance will not be smooth and flawless. Therefore, you should ensure that each layer of paint is light. Each spray should be consistent and slow for an even look. You should take a break in between the multiple coats. Check the recommended wait period indicated on your product for the best results.

Finally, you should check each layer of paint before moving on to the next. If you have made a mistake in the work, you should correct the issue first.
