Tips on Custom Painting Your Car Just Like an Auto Body Professional

If you have the time, patience and know-how, custom painting is an excellent way to give your car a fresh look that shines apart from other vehicles on the road. But if you don't know how to go about the job, you can easily shy away from it.

If you're here because you'd like to learn how to custom paint your ride like a professional auto body work painter, you've come to the right place. The following DIY guide will take you through the process of custom painting your ride so that you can achieve decent quality results.

Choose Your Paint

There are various types of paints available in the market. Picking the right paint for your job is vital for achieving good quality results. Consult your car owner's manual before making a choice. It will give you a good idea about what's recommended and what should be avoided. 

Inspect Your Car Body for Visible Damage

Before commencing the job, visually inspect your car body to look out for any scratched paint or dents that may need repair. If you find these surface blemishes, you'll need to fix them before you can get started with your paint job.

Prepare the Surface for Paint Application

Surface preparation involves sanding down your car exteriors with sandpaper to remove the old coat of paint and rust (if present). Proper surface preparation is essential for obtaining a good painting result, so make sure you take time to get a smooth surface.

Once you're done sanding your ride, blow off any residual dust with an air compressor. If you don't have an air compressor, you can use a parts brush to brush off the residual particles. After removing the loose particles, clean the entire surface with a grease remover. This should leave you with a clean, smooth surface that's ready for paint application.

Cover the Parts You Will Not Be Working On

Use old newspapers, masking tape and film to cover all areas in the exteriors of your car that you'll not be painting. These include your windscreen and rearview mirrors, headlights and taillights, door handles and so on. The covering helps protect these components from overspray. 

Mix and Apply the Paint 

Mix your paint according to the paint manufacturer's instructions, grab your spray can and begin painting. Use small, uniform strokes to achieve a consistent finish. Start working from the top of the car towards the sides. 

Make sure to allow each coat of paint enough time to dry before applying the next coat of paint.

There you have it – a step-by-step guide on how to custom paint your ride just like a pro. If you're still unsure about taking on this job, you can always ask a professional auto body work painter to do it for you. 
