Four Pro Tips for Spray Painting a Car Yourself

If you love working with paint, spray painting your car is a project you may want to handle yourself. A DIY paint job can save you money but also provide you with the satisfaction of a completed project well done.

However, a lot of work goes into achieving results that leave you feeling satisfied. That's why you should learn some pro tips before you start spray painting your car.

Tip #1: Quality Surface Preparation is Vital 

Surface preparation is the crucial first step of any car spray painting job. The best surface preparation delivers the best results. Start by washing the vehicle to remove any loose dirt and debris that may hide surface imperfections. You can visit a nearby car wash or park it in a shaded spot so you can wash it yourself. 

If you are going to wash your car yourself, make sure you use cleaning products and supplies that won't ruin the paint finish. Use some car washing liquid and a soft sponge or lint-free microfibre cloth to scrub the vehicle before rinsing it with clean water from a garden hose. Use sandpaper to smooth out any scratches or flaws in the surface of the vehicle. A smooth surface helps ensure the fresh paint adheres to the old one without problems.

Tip #2: Remove Detachable Parts to Avoid Overspray

Not all components in the exterior of your car need to be painted. Although this may take time, it is a good idea to detach removable parts such as headlights, antenna, bumper, wipers, and door handles. You don't need to remove every part. Parts such as the windshield and car windows don't need to be dismantled. Mask off these parts with a car painter's grade masking tape to prevent the risk of overspray. 

Tip #3: Mix Your Paint Properly

Car paint manufacturers include information on how their products should be mixed prior to use. Follow these instructions to the letter because neglecting them will hurt the performance of your paint.

Tip #4: Apply Multiple Light Coats Instead of One Heavy One

In an attempt to get the job done quickly, you may be tempted to apply a single coat of very thick paint to the surface of your vehicle. In most cases, this painting technique results in unpleasant results. The best painting technique is to apply at least three light coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry properly before you can apply the next one.

When it comes to spray painting a car, the results tend to get better with each attempt. If you can't afford to make mistakes when repainting your car, it is best to leave the job to spray painting services.
